Object ID 001230
Object Name Suspension frame, vertical
Object Desc includes suspension arm (#6806), galvanometer suspension with coil, and glass siphon pen. See notes!
Collection French Cable Station Museum
Accession # I.03.041
Alternate ID
General Category History
Category Instrument
Source Category Purchase
Accession Date DEC 30,1971
Location Repair Shop
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords
Date SEP 1,2021
Summary Moved to basement AL room
Notes Please see "Notes" from Recorder (I.03.079) These parts are being used to repair that siphon recorder. They have been moved to a workbench in the basement Artificial line room.
Date SEP 21,2022
Notes This suspension arm was used while museum stalff attempted repairs to the Duxbury siphon recorder (I.03.079). It has a new suspension of UV resistant upholstery thread instead of original silk. There are 2 conductor wires and the coil was sucessfully tested in a mocked up test using a permanent magnet (I.04.008). Unfortunately this suspension arm does not seem to fit any of the three siphon recorders in the museum.